Wednesday, July 29, 2015

London Fog

Bombers have that typical high school TV show where the football jock wears it to his games, and actually, just wears it everywhere. Maybe he should throw it in the wash one of these days, but bombers come in different colours and patterns, and can definitely be worn by girls,  so don't worry about giving off the "my boyfriend is the captain of the football team, and is failing calculus" vibe.

In fact, oversized bombers are super cute, and give a casual, comfy look to an outfit. I paired this bomber with my grey tank top because the lines on the bomber are grey, and my black shorts which match the hem and sleeves of this bomber. Because I kept the shirt and shorts monochromatic, this burgundy bomber adds colour. I also played around with texture here, from the tight ribbed tank top, frayed shorts, and heavy wool bomber. If this was in the fall, you could easily pair this with some jeans and some booties. 

Jacket: London Fog
Shirt: Brandy Melville
Shorts: American Eagle
Shoes: Forever 21

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